Saturday 1 July 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Thirteenth Sunday of the Year (Year A)

First reading
2 Kings 4: 8-11, 14-16

Nou thare came a day whan Elisha went ti Shunem, an thare wis a leddy steyin thare, that made him come i an hae a meal wi her. An sin syne, ivery time he went bi, he went intil her house for meat. An she says til her man, "Nou A see this is a holy man o God, that comes bi day eftir day. Sae let us make a wee room on the wall; an put a bit thare for him, an a table an a seat an a licht; sae whan he comes til us, he can gae i thare. Nou ane day, whan he haed gone thare, he went inti the wee room an took his rest thare. Sae he says, "Whit then is ti be done for her?" An Gehazi made answer, "Still thare is this, she has nae son an her man is auld." Then Elisha says, "Send for her."  An i answer til his voice she took her place at the door. An Elisha says, "At this time i the comin year ye will hae a son i yer arms."

[Own translation 27/06/20, level 1. For methodology see here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 88: 2-3, 16-19 (resp. v.2)

I wull sing o' the mercies o' the Lord forevir.

I wull sing o' the mercies o' the Lord forevir:
wi' my mooth wull I mak' kennet thy faithfu'niss til a' ganæratians.
I hae said, Mercie sall be buggen up forevir:
thy faithfu'niss sallt thou sete up, an' mak' siccer in the verra heævens.

I wull sing o' the mercies o' the Lord forevir.

Blisset ar the peeple wha ken the joyfu' suund;
thaye sall gae on in the licht o' thy countinence.
In thy næme sall thaye rejoyce a' the daye:
an' in thy richteousniss sall thaye be liftet up.

I wull sing o' the mercies o' the Lord forevir.

For ye ar the glorie o' thair strencth,
an' in thy faavor our hoorn sall be sete heich.
For the Lord is our defense,
an' the Haly Ane o' Israel our King.
I wull sing o' the mercies o' the Lord forevir.

[From Psalm 89 in The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here]

Second reading
Romans 6: 3-4, 8-11

Div ye nae myn att fan we wis baptised intae accoord wi Jesus Christ, we wis baptised in tae his daith? We wis deid an beeriet wi him in baptism, sae att jist as he wis reesed up fae e deid bi e glory o e Fadder, sae we mith set fit on e new pathie o life anaa.

An gin we be deid wi Christ, syne seerly we maun be alive wi him, kennin att Christ, reesed fae e deid, winna dee again, he's nae lannger domineered bi daith. He deit cause o ill wyes bit the eence, bit noo att he lives, he lives in God. E same wye, ee maun think on yersels as deid tae ill wyes an alive tae God, throw Jesus Christ wir Lord.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel Reading
Matthew 10: 37-42

[Thir twal Jesus sent oot, and chairged them, sayin,] “Wha lo'es faither or mither mair nor me, isna wordie o' me; and wha lo’es son or dochter mair nor me, isna wordie o’ me. And wha taks-na up his cross, to follow me, isna wordie o’ me. He wha wins his life sal tine it; and wha tines his life for my sake, he sal win it!

“He wha welcomes you, welcomes me; and he wha welcomes me, welcomes him wha sent me forth.

“He wha take in a seer, in the name o’ a seer, sal receive a seer’s reward; and he wha taks in a holie man i’ the name o’ a holie man, wins a holie man’s reward.

“And whasae sal gie to drink til ane o’ thir wee anes a cup o' the cauld watir only, i’ the name o’ a disciple -truly I say t’ye, he sanna in onygate tine his reward!”

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

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